God is Love!


Jesus His only Son reigns with Him in Heaven


There is to be a Second Coming, where Christ will rule for a thousand years prior to the Coming of His Kingdom.


The dead will be resurrected and judged. Those who count on His Body and His Blood will be automatically saved on His Account.


God’s Kingdom and God’s Heaven last forever and ever


I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, and Love your neighbour as yourself, sayeth the Lord.


My neighbour is he/ she who loves me as themselves.


There is only kindness, love and appreciation between those who Love God and Love Jesus. It is our duty to abide in Love in the Holy Spirit.


We give Thanks to God, Thanks to Jesus and Thanks for the Holy Spirit.


Our primary Thanks are to God, who Jesus Loves and has shown us how to obey God. Praise be to God!


We thank God for giving us Jesus as our Saviour and Redeemer.


We thank Jesus for his sacrifice for us on the Cross at Calvary.  We thank Jesus as God’s Son, and as our Saviour. 


We believe and trust Jesus and in so doing we show we wholly believe and trust in God and in God’s goodness and God’s good intent for mankind.


We enjoy God and God’s creation. We believe God loves us, as/ like he loves His only begotten Son. We inherit through Jesus the right to become the Children of God. 


As Jesus came to serve others, we give as we can of ourselves to help others likewise.


We acknowledge God as Supreme. We acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Master. For Jesus is the way to the Father, and none but Jesus can mediate with the Father as Jesus can, as Jesus has the very most special place at God’s right hand.


We believe in God’s true angels and their special place in looking after us.


There is no greater love than giving our lives for others.


God is the Alpha and the Omega. Thanks be to God!